Are you able to become a successful trader?
The answer would be, and the only way is to convert yourself from an amateur trader to become a professional trader.
Now try to compare both of the cameras below:
The answer would be, and the only way is to convert yourself from an amateur trader to become a professional trader.
Now try to compare both of the cameras below:
The camera on the left is a pocket camera that used for amateur photographers, and knowledge or expertise are not required. This camera is often called a point and shoot camera, because that was all the features available to you. The camera on the right is a professional camera that is destined for a professional photographer. To be able to use it optimally required some adequate basic knowledge of photography. Its features are numerous, and there are various terms of photography you must understand first such as Aperture, Shutter speed, Focal length, ISO speed, Crop factor, and others.
To become a professional photographer, you should at
least master the skills and need adequate basic knowledge of photography.
Prepare yourself to become a professional trader, because by becoming a professional
trader you will have ample opportunity to realize your dreams.